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Stuffed Bell Peppers with Cinnamon and Pine Nuts: Turkish Dolma

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  • Author: Gonul
  • Total Time: 2 hours
  • Yield: 4 Servings 1x
  • Diet: Vegan


Quintessential Turkish dolma: stuffed bell peppers with cinnamon and pine nuts! You will find this dish in almost every household in the region. Accidentally vegan & gluten-free. You can also use eggplants or zucchini (fresh or dried) instead of the bell peppers.



For Cooking:

  • 5 bell peppers, small-medium sized, any color
  • 2 tbsp olive oil

For the Filling:

  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 tbsp pine nuts
  • 4 onions, diced
  • 1/2 bunch dill, chopped
  • 1 cup rice, medium-grain
  • 1 tsp dried mint
  • 1 1/2 tbsp currants
  • 1 tsp allspice
  • 1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 2 tsp ground paprika
  • 1/2 tsp salt (for soaking the rice)
  • 1 tsp salt (for the filling)
  • 2 cups water


  1. Slice off the pepper caps with their stems and remove the ribs and seeds from the inside and the caps. Set aside.
  2. Soak the rice in hot water with salt for 10 minutes, then drain and set aside for the filling.
  3. In a medium-large sized pan, heat the olive oil on medium heat. Add the pine nuts and saute for one minute.
  4. Add the onions and saute for 8 minutes, mixing continuously until golden brown.
  5. Stir in the rice and saute for 5 more minutes. Add the allspice, cinnamon, currants, paprika, dried mint, and salt for the filling. Mix to combine and saute for a few more minutes.
  6. Remove the pan from the heat and add in the dill.
  7. Stuff the bell peppers with the filling and arrange them in a large pot, sealed with the stems on top.
  8. Add water and olive oil. Cook on low heat, with the lid on, until both the rice and the peppers are soft, about 1 hour.
  9. Let rest for 10 minutes. 
  10. Optional: Serve with plant-based yogurt to complete the feast.
  • Prep Time: 30 minutes
  • Cook Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Category: Lunch, Dinner, Appetizer
  • Method: Cook
  • Cuisine: Turkish, Greek, Mediterranean