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Homemade Fruit Rollups with Walnuts

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  • Author: Gonul
  • Total Time: 4 hours 30 minutes
  • Yield: 3 Servings of 2 Roll Ups 1x
  • Diet: Vegan


Homemade fruit rollups with walnuts are the perfect mid-day snack! For this healthy, kid-friendly, two-ingredient recipe, you'll need only 30 minutes of active prep & cooking time.


  • 250 g fresh strawberries (approximately 2 cups whole, See Note 1)
  • 45 g California walnuts, minced (approximately 6 tablespoons)
  • Optional: 1 tablespoon water (See Note 2)
  • Optional: 5 dates, pitted (See Note 3)


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°F.
  2. Trim the strawberries and blend them for at least one minute until smooth.
  3. To cook out the excess water, transfer the blended strawberries to a saucepan and cook on medium for 15 minutes. Stir frequently until the mixture thickens up. 
  4. Add the minced walnuts into the strawberry purée and mix.
  5. Line a baking pan with a silicone baking mat (e.g. Silpat) or parchment paper. The silicone mat will yield the best-looking, shiniest results.
  6. Place the fruit & walnut mixture onto the pan and spread it into a rectangle sized approximately 14in by 9in. Spread the leather as thinly as you can with a spatula while still making sure no areas appear transparent.
  7. Bake in the oven for 4 hours until the leather is only slightly tacky. If the leather still feels sticky, bake for longer.
  8. Remove from the oven and cool. Carefully peel off the leather and place on a cutting board, then cut into strips with a sharp knife or pizza cutter.
  9. Roll the fruit & walnut strips up to serve.
  10. They will keep for up to a week in an airtight container, longer if perfectly dehydrated. They also make great Mason jar gifts!


  1.   I highly recommend strawberries for this recipe, but you can substitute with pretty much any fruit in the same weight—or even a combination of several. A few suggestions: mango, cherry, blueberry, apricot, nectarine, and peach. 
  2.   You may need a very small amount of water to get the blender going. If you find you have to add a lot more to be able to blend, then cook down the mixture for longer.
  3.   For less sweet and more acidic fruits (e.g. apricot), make sure to sweeten with pitted dates or other sweetener of your choice.
  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 4 hours 15 minutes
  • Category: Snacks
  • Method: Bake
  • Cuisine: American